
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Person I Marry (a TOS review)



Did you know I have a budding Romantic in the house?



I have been accused of being sappy myself…



I suppose I should take credit for her sappy ways.



In every spare moment she’s dreaming about what her future may hold. 



In the middle of Math, she’s dreaming about what her future husband’s hair looks like. 



She’s dreaming about how many kids they’ll be blessed with during Spelling.



She’s dreaming about her future home when she sets the table.  Wondering out loud if she’ll have pretty dishes like Mommy some day.  Asking if I would give her mine, so she does. 



It’s cute.



And by cute I mean scary!



She’s only SIX! 



:: sigh ::



Then, just this week her older brother and I had some heart-to-hearts.  About girls.  I think he might have his first crush.  And I must say…my heart hitched when he blushed.  Already.  Just like that.  Wasn’t it just yesterday I was his favorite girl?



:: double sigh ::



Which is why the privilege of reviewing






couldn’t have come at a better time. 



The Person I Marry is the sweetest sappy book I’ve come across!  I love the poetic flow.






  The wisdom saturated words.  Words that my own heart clings to…






but somehow having someone else frame them for me – helps. 






“Respect, kindness, honesty, faithfulness, thoughtfulness, patience - qualities like these make strong marriages.”



After 32 years of marriage…I’d imagine that the Bower’s know a thing or two about building a strong marriage.







In a world where love is so often a throw-away commodity, this book is a beautiful reminder that truly committed love is still within reach!  And that’s enough to make any sappy Romantic’s heart go pitter-patter!



The Person I Marry will be my go-to baby shower gift from here on out!  Actually, it’s a great gift for anyone!  Newly weds.  New parents.  Parents of tweens.  Of preschoolers.  And beyond! 



In case you missed it - I really really really loved this sweet, little book! 



Ready to buy The Person I Marry of your very own?



You can purchase a copy (or 10!) for $11.99 at



This is where I disclaim that I was given a free cyber copy of The Person I Marry in exchange for my honest and timely review.  All thoughts are my own.  I received no other compensation.  Be sure to check out what other TOS Crewbies are saying. 





  1. Nice review! My daughter, age 3, also dreams of her "Prince." He is always exactly the same as her favorite brother, but you have to start somewhere!

    Just visiting from the crew. For some reason I can't post using this type of comment form. User error, I think! LOL!

    Jessica @

  2. Jessica...SO cute! And thank you for the blogliment. :)

