
Friday, October 28, 2011

First Form Latin (a TOS review)


I must confess that I did not choose First Form Latin.  Nope.  First Form Latin choose me. 



:: smile ::



Part of the reason I didn’t choose this curriculum was because it looked soooooooooo overwhelming.  And I’m cravin’ me some underwhelming at the moment.






This is where I make another confession.  It just so happened we had family staying with us when the FFL bundle arrived in the mail.  All neatly packed and crisp.  Looking ever so clever.  Which is exactly why I opened it immediately.  So I could look ever so clever and possibly impress (the snot outta) the visiting family.  Because sometimes I have and follow those kinda whims.



lapbooking solar system 007


lapbooking solar system 008


I felt smart casually flipping through the pages (making sure to situate myself in sight of any company) of the teacher’s manual and student work book!  And with each turned page…couldn’t wait to dig all the way in.  I felt like I was holding a new college syllabus and since I’ve always been a bit of a book worm –  I liked.  

The Nitty Gritty


  • First Form Latin is geared for grades 5 and beyond
  • It’s also geared for those with no Latin background.  Shew…cause that’s me!
  • The $55 kit comes with the Teacher’s Manual, Student Text, Student Workbook, Tests & Quizzes, and Pronunciation CD.  You can purchase the plus kit which includes more teaching tools.
  • I thought everything was very neat and organized.  Neat and organized usually = teacher friendly.
  • The lessons are meant to be around 30 minutes daily. 
  • As a bi-lingual(ish)ist…I loved the grammar first approach.  Both my husband and I didn’t realize just how important a solid grammar foundation is until we spent six months learning KiSwahili.  Trust me…grammar first is good. 

First Form Latin Taste Test compliments of YouTube



The Real Deal


Impressed.  That was how I felt right from pulling the package out of my mailbox.  First impressions matter.  The material is all well made and pretty.  And let’s not forget…ever so clever looking.  Which comes in handy should you happen to have visiting company to impress.  I really loved everything about it. 



For me. 



For the kids…I think it is just too much to handle right now.  My 5th Grader is more a Math Guy than a Language Guy.  Which is to say, he was neither impressed nor interested.  It was all a little overwhelming for him.  Maybe next year he’ll be ready for an intensive Latin?  Or maybe I should purchase Latina Chistiana I – which is the prequel to First Form Latin.  That way I can have both the 1st and the 5th grader work together.  I’m a big fan of together work.  And I’m seriously contemplating trying it out next year.     



Would I recommend First Form Latin?  Yes.  I think I would.  Although, I personally feel it’s a better fit for older students.  In the meantime, I’m very tempted to recommend First Form Latin as a Small Group class at our church!  And if I do all my homework…maybe I can lead it.  Looking ever so clever while I do! 



This is where I disclaim, as part of the TOS Crew, I was given First Form Latin Plus in exchange for my honest and timely review.  All thoughts expressed are my own.  I received no other compensation.







  1. Love your review! Love your style ;) We use this and actually started it when my ds was in 5th grade (lol we are *still* using it and he is in 7th..shhhhh) so I understand what you mean about perhaps being better for the older kids. My dd however just eats it up. She was in 7th when we started (hmmm, perhaps that is the magic number!).

  2. Thank you SO much for the blog-li-ment! Much needed today. And think you just maybe talked me into holding off until 7th...

