
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

the astronaut, the fairy, and the baseball boy


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I *heart* Halloween

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The costumes…


(Bristel is over the moon cuz I let her wear make up outside of the home!)

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The candy…


(my jeans are not as thrilled with the chocolate as my mouth is!)

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The sense of community…


(we went Trick or Treatin’ with friends from church this year…it was really great!)

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It’s all just SO much fun!

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This was the first year that Trevy really understood the concept of asking for and receiving candy.

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Of course, he was also a big fan of the quick double dip! 


Thankfully, he’s cute enough to get away with it.

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Candy happens to be an excellent motivator.  For the astronaut, the fairy, and the baseball boy!




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