
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

my 5th grader’s workboxes


workbox our style picture


His 5th Grade Workboxes:


  • Math. 5/4 Saxon.  This is a carry over from last year, and he’s over half way through.  I love Saxon.  Especially when we do mental math together in the mornings.  Smile 
  • English. 5th Grade ACE.  Test day.
  • Spelling.  5th Grade ACE Word Building.  Test day.
  • History & Geography.  5th Grade ACE Social Studies. 
  • Civics.  Hail to the Chief workbook.  He finished his MapSkills book and is now working through  this great little Target dollar section find.  It covers all the presidents up to current.  I’m having him do a page a day.
  • Creative Writing.  3 days a week I have him write in his journal.  He must write at least 4 complete sentences from a prompt.  Today’s prompt is:  You’re a reporter.  What 5 questions would you ask the Indians?
  • Music.  On-going piano practice & lessons.
  • Science.  Apologia’s Exploring Astronomy.  We’re digging in the Mercury chapter. 
  • Reading.  Greetings From the 50 States and How They Got Their Names.  He eats up anything historical-ish. 
  • Read Aloud.  The Tale of Despereux.
  • PE.  Basketball.  This is the first season that his Dad is helping coach.  So far…he’s loving it.  Smile 




Ever since we got this great little desk off free-cycle,


Bristels workboxes 027


Which fits perfect in his bedroom…


Bristels workboxes 028


I’ve been mulling over switching up his workboxes.  I think I’m going to buy one of those little plastic filing boxes from Walmart.  The kind with the lid that has a handle.  And use hanging folders instead.  That way, his boxes are easy to travel to where ever is most comfortable for him.  Much of his work is independent now, so I think it might work.  Plus, it would open up the other boxes to use with the 1st Grader and the Preschooler…





to be nosy like me and peek in others workboxes visit…

Workbox Wednesday


  1. I love Saxon Math too! Have you seen their Grammar and Writing? Same approach as the Math. Pretty intense though! My daughter (4th grade) is doing Grade 5 and I expect her to take 1 1/2 - 2 school years to complete it. (Saxon Gram/Wri is Grades 5-8.) Anyway, she's taking a break from 54 and doing MCP Math. Much simpler, so a review! We'll finish up the last 30 lessons or so of 54 afterward.

  2. Somehow I missed Saxon's Grammar? I have Jump In...and was planning to start that with him next year. Right now ACE is working really good for him with Grammar. But Writing is a struggle...


  3. Love the desk (and the portable workbox idea)! Thanks for linking up with Workbox Wednesday!
