
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Trevy’s Montessori Trays (with special needs flair)


Trevy’s Trays


I’ve been a little lazy on the Tray front for awhile. Trevy has been muddling through a cranky stretch…which with the help of Dr. Neuro we finally discovered was seizure related.  Being mommy to a child with catastrophic epilepsy, my first instinct is to think seizures.  Sometimes to a fault.  So I try really hard not to jump there too quickly.  I’d been working really hard to convince myself he was getting sick…he was tired…he was this…he was that.  For weeks.  In fact, I had myself SO convinced it wasn’t seizure suspicious that when Dr. Neuro shared her thoughts…I was surprised.  And then sad.  Sigh.  Meds are being adjusted and already we’re having happier days! 



So I’m hoping to hop back to it more consistently with the trays.



In the mean time, they wait patiently in the closet…like so…


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See the cute little zebra puppet up there?


I’ve been using him to encourage Cranky Boy to play.  He’s very into puppets lately.  Even when he’s crank-a-licious!


I purchased my trays at Target and Mr. Zebra from Ikea. 


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Apple Picking Tray

cause it’s…you know…Autumn-y


My idea was to roll the dice and pick that many apples off the tree.  Um…yeah…mommy was totally over thinking this one.  We modified by just picking the apples off and then sticking them back on.  I do try to count as we go.  I’m thinking we need to get one of those a pair of those big dice thingies that you can change the pictures on each side.  He needs something bigger and more simplistic. 


Apple game pictures are part of the Abeka Kindergarten materials and were things I already had from Toby’s K days


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Left Hand – Right Hand Tray


We just read the little poem together and do little mommy-made-up actions movements with it.  It’s really important for me that Trevy learn his Right from Left because he has Right sided weakness.  It will be SO much easier to tell him “use your right hand” or “kick with the right leg” and have him understand it without needing physical help.


Abeka again


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Peg Board Tray


This is a fave with both Trevy and his sister!  They’ve had tons of fun building towers over their heads with the pegs.


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Speech Tray


Out Patient Speech Therapy flashcards to work with annunciation.  And little kazoos and a pinwheel to work those tongue muscles.


Miss. Speech copies flashcards that she’s working on during sessions for at-home practice.  The kazoos and pinwheels can usually be found at Oriental Trading Co.


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Bean Bag Toss Tray


Working on over & under hand tossing.  Soft & hard tossing.  Fast & slow tossing.  Far & near tossing.


Clearly homemade.  But…I must confess…not by me.  I don’t have a crafty bone in my bod!


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Physical Therapy Tray


More outpatient therapy homework.  Trevy had to lay down, raise his knees, and then lift his bum up & down.  I’m sure there is a yoga vocab for it but I just call it “lift your bum”!  He does this several times quickly and then several times with holding up for a count of 10.  We use a little matchbox car as a prop to drive under his “bridge”.  He also has to do a toe pointing exercise with the tension band. 


Tension band and practice sheets are provided by Trevy’s outpatient PT therapist.

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Color Match Tray


I’m using little color cubes.  And to spice it up with a little Math concepts, I’ve made a counting sequence.  1 – green 2 – orange and so on.  To help Trevy, I have the colors in numerical order.  I also like how the crayons have the word on the front to promote early reading concepts.


Looove these Abeka crayon pictures


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Puzzle Tray


This puzzle is a little ambitious for Trevy.  But he loooooves puzzles and has fun working with mommy.


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Big and Little Tray


When he couldn’t answer any big vs. little at his Developmental appointment, I decided we needed to start working on this concept at home.  Hence the big-little tray. 


Turns out, he actually does know the difference!  He did this perfectly the first time we tried!



Bonus Pictures

cause he’s too cute not to snap snap snap all the live long day!


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for other ideas be sure to visit

Workbox Wednesday

Montessori Monday


  1. Wow! What a busy boy (and mommy)! Thanks for linking up with Workbox Wednesday!

  2. I love that you look at your son's needs and interests so carefully when planning your activity trays. Thanks so much for sharing your ideas and experiences! I'm glad you linked up with Montessori Monday! I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:

  3. What a GREAT bunch of activity trays! Does he do all of them in one day? Bet he has a blast! I hope he's feeling better!

  4. Great trays! I have gotten a lot of ideas today...thanks so much! I hadn't thought of putting my son's physical therapy stuff in his workboxes, but why not?! I will be doing that now.

    Glad to hear that they are sorting out your son's meds., but sorry to hear it was a hard week with that.

  5. Michelle...thanks for the great link up. :)

    Deb...that explains the unexpected bump in visitors! :)

    Mama Mountain...he does NOT do them all in a single day. Though, I'd love to get to that point. Our average is about 4 a day.

    Sharla...thank you, hon. He's doing REALLY great right now. Which is good news - bad news. Good news that the meds are working. Bad news...because it clarifies that the fussies were seizure related. :/'s nice to have him back to himself again!

