Tuesday, December 11, 2012

career exploration day, otherwise known as mommy needs to see the doctor!




The cough started a week ago Sunday.



The fever has been off and on.



Slowly, the wheezing increased.



Eventually I came to terms with the fact that my at-home-honey-and-cinnamon remedy was just not doing it for me. 



Yesterday I finally called the doctor.  Thankfully they had an early morning appointment.  I made sure to let them know I needed to be home by 11:30 when Trevy gets out of school.



The big kids came with me.  I made sure to have books and the iPad along to help keep them occupied.  Thankfully.  Since we ended up being there for TWO hours!  Ugh.



At one point the doctor asked if it was a school holiday. 



Actually…I home school them. 



Oh.  How nice.






Except when you need to see the doctor.



I smiled outwardly and gave her the stink eye inwardly.  And I couldn’t help notice the poetic justice (or irony, if you prefer) when she was frustrated that I had to rush the appointment.  To pick up the child I don’t homeschool (for now).



Oh…and the verdict is pneumonia.   Bleh.  But it’s nothing some hard core antibiotics and an inhaler can’t fix.





  1. I'm sorry you're sick. I'll pray for a speedy recovery! Do I detect a hint that you are going to homeschool Trevy too!

    1. I think about it ALL.THE.TIME and I just know it won't be too long before I bring him home with me too. I've kinda been waiting until Bristel's reading comes along a little more. I know without a doubt that he'll be at home for middle school though.

