
Monday, July 9, 2012

professor B (a TOS review)





The Deets

  • Developed by Everard Barrett who has an extensive resume in mathematics, Professor B is an online math mastery program. Photobucket
  • Designed as a math system to help the teacher become a master teacher – which will benefit the students.
  • Three levels of programs.  Each level (one year) is supposed to be the equivalent of 3 years math instruction. 
  • Target ages are preschool through 8th grade (or older students requiring some extra help).  Free placement tests are available at the bottom right hand corner of this page.
  • Price starts at $20 per month and varies based on student needs.  As always, keep an eye out for specials! 
  • Read their history & philosophy here.
  • The website indicates they offer a free 30 trial of their program.  I was unable to find a link to directly link it in.  However, you can find contact info on this page if you’d like to inquire.
  • To browse all their products click here.


Professor B is now offering a full THREE years of access for just $100 per level!

They’re working on updating the website but in the meantime you can call 678-765-6655 and they will be able take your order and honor the new price. If you were thinking about giving it a go…now would be the time!



Our Review



     I have to confess right off the bat that I was very frustrated trying to navigate the website.  I personally feel like things are not organized in a user friendly manner.  It just drives me a little wonky when I can’t easily find what I’m looking for.  I have to maximize every spare moment and hate feeling like I’m lost and wasting precious learning time on a website.  Hint:  If you’re looking for the home page button, it’s located in small font aaaaaall the way in the bottom right hand corner of each page!  My first impression left me feeling like this review was not very promising.



That said, as I explored the lessons I really felt like the content was good.  It’s less math lessons and more of a math system.  The idea is that once the teacher grasps “The System” they’ll become master teachers – which will help their students more easily and effectively understand and retain math concepts.



Professor B’s tag line is…


Where powerful techniques


create power teachers


  producing powerful results!



During our review we sampled levels 1 and 2.  Hint:  if you trial this program you can (currently) find the Log into E-Learning button on the bottom of the home page.  I seriously felt like I was going nuts every time I tried to log in!  I’m not sure why it tripped me out so much…but it did! 






After logging in you’ll come to the page above.  There you click on the level you’ve either purchased or are interested in working on and you’ll be taken to an interactive workbook/answer key.






For all the craziness of navigating the actual website…I did find the workbook to be well explained and easier to navigate.  Especially when I actually took time to read the instructions.  In love 



Although, the no sound thing was a little confusing.  No, it’s not your computer.  Professor B was developed without sound to encourage the teacher to work with the student.





Each concept has a table of contents page where you can choose what you’d like to work on.  I like that because it means you can skip concepts already mastered or repeat those that need extra work.





In spite of my initial aggravations, I am interested to continue using this program and see what we think in a few more months.  I know some others on the review team are really liking the program!  So be sure to check out other opinions too.  And really, what home eductain’ mommy doesn’t want to grow up to be a Master Teacher?!






**This is my little space to disclaim that I was given access to all three levels of Professor B in exchange for my honest review shared on my blog.  All opinions expressed are my honest own.  I hope that you enjoyed and found my review at least a smidge helpful.  To read what others on the TOS Crew thought about Professor B click here.**

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