
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Apologia’s Who is my Neighbor (a TOS review)



I have been smitten with all things Apologia right from the first moment I laid eyes on one of their ads.  Everything about Apologia Educational Ministries resonates with me on so many levels.  And the What We Believe series just deepens my affection!



The Nutshell

Who is My Neighbor?

  • Who is My Neighbor is the 3rd edition of a 4 book Biblical Worldview series by Apologia Educational Ministries, INC.
  • There are three different tools to use with the Who is My Neighbor curriculum.  The primary book ($39), the notebooking journal ($24) and for younger kiddos the coloring book ($8).  Purchasing the notebooking journal and coloring book are optional; however, I can testify to enjoying the benefits of not having to plan, prep and print. 
  • Because of the format, Who is My Neighbor is easy to adapt for a wide range of ages.  You can use it as a family devotional or stick it in a workbox of an older kiddo for some Worldview independent work.  It would be great Sunday School curriculum or maybe a family centered small group.  So many ways to use it!



“A worldview is the framework from which we view reality and make sense of life and the world.”

-- Del Tackett 



The Review

I clearly remember my first taste of this whole idea of Worldview. I was a freshman in Bible college. And my favorite professor was passionate about challenging us to think. To explore why we believe what we say we believe. That was the first time I remember understanding how important the filter through which I see the world and life is. I loved that class! His teaching shaped a part of my heart…and I knew that I wanted to challenge my own children some day. That some day is here now…and The Who is God series is just what I need for our family to explore what we believe and why!




Who is my Neighbor?

Everything about Apologia curriculum (and I have several of their books and other tools) impresses me.  Who is My Neighbor is no exception!


I love the way the book feels.  The beautifully illustrated hard cover wraps around more beautifully illustrated pages brimming over with goodies to get your mental juices pumping!



:: sigh ::



Who is My Neighbor is broken into 6 different questions (or lessons) to explore and ponder…


Does Anyone Really Need Me?

How Can I Make a Difference?

Who is My Neighbor?

Why Did God Make Families?

What Can I Do for My Country?

Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?



Good stuff, right?



Each chapter is broken down into the same format – which makes for easy peasy lesson planning.  Especially for the less organized mommies like me.  Even better, there is a sample lesson plan right in the front of the book!  Um, yeah…I’m using it!



One sample chapter coming right up.



We’ve used it was an afternoon read aloud and during family worship and even for mommy/daddy convos during baseball warm ups!  I always like to bring “mommy homework” with me to fill that 30 minute warm up time.  I’m also really really thinking about using the whole series as our Sunday School curriculum next year!  There are just so many ways to use this material!



Even though 2 of our kids are really too little to enjoy the notebooking journal ($24) it still comes in handy for discussion ideas.






It’s totally personal preference on whether or not to purchase the notebooking journal.  I have, in the past, just done my own thing.  But I gotta admit…it’s really nice having it all mapped out for you ahead of time.  No thinking or prep work.  And honestly, sometimes I just need to take the easy road!   For me, I think it’s worth buying!



The coloring book ($8) is a great addition for families with littles!  I haven’t made one yet…but I think it would be really cute to have a little Devo Basket with special crayons, scrap papers, glue sticks and what not…to help keep the littles engaged.






Even though Who is My Neighbor is part of a series (which I highly recommend the whole sha-bang!) you can absolutely buy this book by itself!  And you don’t have to be a homeschooler either! Even if we didn’t educate at home, this book (and the rest of the series) would absolutely be added to our family library! 






**This is my little space to disclaim that I was given Apologia’s Who is My Neighbor book, notebooking journal and coloring book in exchange for my honest review shared on my blog.  All opinions expressed are my honest own.  I hope that you enjoyed and found my review at least a smidge helpful.  Because my voice is just one, I highly encourage you to visit this link and read what my fellow TOS Crew friends thought about Who is My Neighbor.**

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