
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

his 5th Grade workboxes


We’re still using and loving our file totes from Walmart.


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And while I do have a school/therapy room.  Toby prefers to do his work in the dining room.  And really, I can’t blame him.  It’s always so warm and cheery in the mornings. 


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He’s almost finished with his Saxon 5/4 book.  Only a handful of lessons to go.


He does really good with Saxon…but fractions will mess with anyone’s head.  We’ve had some fraction drama lately. 


I found a great video that I think helped him wrap his mind around how to find the common denominator.  Plus, we’re reviewing ALEKS and after the initial griping (he’s not a fan of new or change) he’s really starting to like it.  I’m a meanie, and make him do his whole Saxon lesson plus one skill from each sections of his ALEKS pie. 



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We just wrapped up our study of the moon in Apologia’s Exploring Astronomy.  Next stop…Mars!


It cracks me up that Bristel is always in her robe!  Daddy is stingy with the heat! Winking smile

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I just started giving him writing assignments this year.  Last year writing was his nemesis.  So I was letting it go for a while and focusing instead on his grammar.  ACE has been SUCH a wonderful fit for his grammar!  No more tears! 


And now I think he’s ready to be stretched again.  In love


We’re using Jump In (Apologia).  I break the chapters/skills up for him.  I loooove this easy to edit printable calendar!  I just type in his assignments, print and wa-lah!  He has a writing schedule.  Typically he has writing M,W,F.


I mix computer and writing by having him do his assignments on the PC.


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He’s starting a new PACE for History/Geography.


Plus, addicted to the History Channel’s The Story of Us!

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I really can’t say enough about ACE’s grammar for Tobes.  It has done a world of good for him.  The constant review and simple instructions have been just the ticket for him.


He even told me that he enjoys diagraming sentences the other day!

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We’re using ACE for his spelling too.  But I’m just ho-hum about it.  Next year I think I’m gonna try a combo of Apples and Wordly Wise.


I think it’s cute that he wrote “Mars” in red ink!  Did you know Mars is read because it’s rusty?  That’s our cool science fact of the week.  Smile


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He’s getting better all the time on the piano!


Not pictured but part of his school week:


Basketball.  He plays for the town team and our local CYO.

Reading.  He has a whole slew of Geronimo Stilten books that he’s tearing through.

Community Service.  He’s a buddy with our Special Olympics program.

French.  This isn’t an intensive program.  I’m using Great Commission Language’s Jr. French program.  We really just listen to the cd and work on the vocab together.  I try to listen daily during our opening exercises.

Character Training.  He’s part of a Bible Club that meets once a week at my parents’ church.


Gosh…that sounds like an awful lot.  But really it isn’t.  And some days are just CORE subjects only.   




  1. I LOVE those Walmart totes! I'm ALMOST tempted to redo how we do school and fill some, but I know we would go back to "the usual". (Maybe a tote FOR ME for planning? Hmm...)

    I've been considering Jump In, but never taken the plunge. :D

    Oh, and I'm the stingy one with heat around here! LOL

  2. What a nice compact way to store his workboxes.

    We have a school room and they still like to be in the kitchen.
