
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

my friend Sophie



** Update – Sophie made it safely through the first surgery.  She did lose a lot of blood and required several transfusions.  I don’t know why…but knowing that my Trevy needed someone else’s blood to stay alive hit me like a ton of bricks.  I’m sure Elaine’s heart is feeling it too.  Sophie gave them quite a seizure show – this is the ONLY time families pray for seizures because the more data collected the more prepared the neurosurgeon can be.  Sophie’s tummy has been VERY upset this time around.  The second stage of her surgery will be today.  I’m praying safety…wisdom for the surgical team…and peace over them all today.  Thank you for praying alongside us… ***



sophie and bristel


I don’t typically share homeschool-y things on Trevy’s blog



Likewise I don’t typically share Trevy seizure things on this blog.  Because I need some space where I don’t have to think about seizures and surgeries and heavy things.  Also, it tends to be a conversation killer.  Because it’s awkward talking to the mom of the little boy with half a brain.  I know that.  Which is why I try to keep things more light-hearted here.  Focused on the joy of homeschooling my children.  Curriculum and field trips and such. 



But sometimes the worlds collide.



Because I carry them both in my heart all the time.



A few minutes ago, one the sweetest moms I know kissed her even sweeter daughter goodbye.  And the first step in Sophie’s second brain surgery began.  Today the grids will be placed directly on her brain.  Data will be collected for a day or so before the second stage of the surgery takes place. 



I’m here.  At the computer.  Following the updates via FaceBook.  My heart a basket case.  I love little Sophie and her mommy.  And I’m wondering how am I supposed to homeschool my children when I can’t see through the tears? 



Maybe today’s primary lesson will be Compassion and Faith and Prayer…



If you’re a believer in prayer…



I’m hoping you’ll join us in lifting up Sophie and her family this week?





  1. Yes- oh YES I will!

    I never realized how much you are dealing with while you homeschool. I haven't fully investigated all of your blog, so this post alerted me, AGAIN, as to what kind of brave and creative lady that you are. I cannot imagine what your family (and Sophie's family) go through during such life-threatening surgeries.

    You, my friend, are much more deserving of the Sunshine Award than I!

  2. I hope all went well, our prayers are with you and them and your families.
