
Monday, December 12, 2011

iPad mommies: how to upload files



Another blogger mom had a brilliant idea to upload a PDF teacher’s manual to her iPad.  Save the trees!



I was in L-O-V-E with the idea.



Mostly because we’re all about saving the ink cartridge.  But I like saving trees too.  In love



Just one teensie weensie problem.



I have (or had, rather) no idea how to upload a PDF to my Pad!



Thank goodness for geeky friends!  Who can share wonderful tools like with me!  It’s free.  It’s easy to use.  It’s has a free app sidekick.  And I’m in love! 



Hope it helps another iPad mommy (or daddy) today!




1 comment:

  1. Danielle- Thanks so much for the Sunshine Award- It really brightened my day! I've finally penned my acceptance post for several recent and very nice awards and I've mentioned your blogs. Thanks so much!

    You've been added to my blog roll(s). I have several and I actually make an effort to visit each and every blog I list on my blog roll links. I also mentioned your blog in my interview at Before the Baby Wakes. :)
