Wednesday, June 15, 2011

workboxing our style



workbox 002


We’re on a more relaxed schedule right now as the year is winding to a close.  Also…because Bristel is a very cranky sick kid!  In fact, my Hubs says to me last night, “we need to marry her off as soon as she’s legal!”


:: smile ::


No pictures of workboxes today.  Primarily because they’re almost empty!


He’s completed Science for the year! 


He’s completed Civics for the year too! 


Today he’s working on Reading (George Washington’s Spy) and his Monarch Language Arts.  We might squeeze in some Saxon too.  We’ll see what the day shall bring... 


Hopefully less sickness!



1 comment:

  1. yay! So close to the end of the school year :) haha!! What fun :)
