
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Hi, it's me again!

I know I have been MIA for ages.


It's been so long that I can't perfectly articulate why I stopped blogging but I do know that my desire to be living alongside my family fully was an influence.

I've never blogged for money, though I was blessed for a time to review curriculum. Because I was never hoping to use this blog as a platform to support my family, I never had an intensive schedule to keep. And yet...I still felt like it was pulling bits and pieces of me away. And so I felt strongly that I needed to withdraw from the virtual world back into the real world. To be with my family for the sake of being with them and not for the photo ops and like collecting. 

I hope that makes sense.

That said, I love looking back at my posts and reminding myself (particularly when those pesky self doubts that I never seem to outgrow assail!) that we have done some spectacular things along the way. Our homeschool has been growing and changing and becoming every day. Every year. 

I can't help but smile when I remember being adamantly convinced that I would never homeschool my children. That I could never. It takes a special cloth and I wasn't cut from it. 


Isn't that like the Lord, though? 

 Not that it's all unicorns and cuddles, mind you. But it is all meaningful.

Trevor, my youngest, is still what I like to call blended-schooled. He attends the local public school half days for his therapies and reading and math. At home I work on the enrichment piece with picture & nature study, along with read alouds and simple piano lessons. I am in love with his Frog and Toad addiction! Bristel is now in 5th Grade and has an unwavering conviction that she's to be a doctor.  And somehow I have a Freshman who, while daily creating "I could strangle" him moments, also takes my breath away with his rich thoughts and glimpses of the man he's growing into!

As for me, I've felt myself drawn more towards Charlotte Mason's approach more than ever. I've always been Charlotte Mason at heart but I find that it's reaching into more of how and what we do. Two of my favorite resources have been Ambleside Online and Simply Charlotte Mason .

I'm not sure how actively I'll blog (my FB page is more active). But I do expect from time to time to share thoughts and pictures, if for no other reason than to create a virtual memory journal for myself.


I hope and pray that your homeschool is filled with grace and peace and beauty today...and this year. 


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