
Sunday, March 10, 2013

prayers with Trevy (a bedtime book idea)



Praying with Trevy has always been part of our nightly routine.




Except when sick, Trevy is a sweet, sappy, cuddle bug at bedtime.  Even when dripping with exhaustion, there is something really special about snuggling up, reading a book, singing a song and praying.  No matter how cranky I am, it always gets me in the heart.  It’s one of the most peaceful moments in my day. 


I do naps and Daddy does night nights. 




Now that Trevy is understanding so much…




I’ve had this heart tug to make prayer time mean more for him. 




Once upon a time, I’d read a sweet post that shared a prayer over their children. Moving from head down to toes. It included words like “heart of a warrior – feet that run to Jesus”.


I thought I’d read it over at Sand in the Gears…one of my favorite reads which I’m shamelessly plugging. In fact, I emailed the author so convinced was I. Tony was kind enough to respond that he didn’t recall such a post but shared this link of inspiration instead.




I loved the idea on so many levels!


I loved consecrating each part of Trevy to Jesus.  I loved tangibly giving thanks for Trevy blessings.  I’ve grown into quite a pessimist over the years.  Forcing my heart to take notice of the blessings is needed!  I loved working on body parts with Trevy.  Helping him become more self aware.  I loved reminding him that he’s a perfectly Planned miracle child (as Toby calls him)! 




Did you know that the right side of the brain does most of the visual processing? 


Yep.  So it’s no wonder Trevy loves things that are visually stimulating.


Which is why I decided to take this idea that I loved and make it into a little prayer book.




I found some of my favorite Trevy pictures and using Pisca I cropped out the body parts I wanted to focus on.  Each page would be dedicated to a different focus. 


I then added the text “Dear Jesus, thank you for Trevy’s xyz”


I then free-style floated random words around the page.  I didn’t want too much text.  Just simple words that he and I (or he and daddy) can add to during prayers.




I then printed and laminated the pictures.  And a few hole punches and book rings later…we had our prayer book!



Trevy loves it.



He randomly talks about it throughout the day.  And will not go to bed without reading his prayer book.  The first time (and every time since) we read it together…he made it clear (in Trevy speak) that I forgot a very important body part.



His “taco”.



Swahili for bootay.



His siblings taught him to grab his boot and say, “I love my taco!”



Which he did whilst verbally adding a “thank you Jesus for my butt” page.  All twinkling eyes as he’s telling me all the reasons why his bum is so cool.  It goes poooop in the potty (sometimes) and makes boo-fahs (he’s a boy, people) and booty shakes (I’m not advocating for Magic Mike but I’ve seen the preview and I’m just saying, Trevy could rock the audition)…






Trevy’s head to toe prayer book is one of the best things I’ve made for him!






ps.  Praying over Trevy has been so beautiful that I decided to pray over the “big kids” too.  Oh if you could see the way their eyes shine!  Every now and then…an idea comes along that is a mommy home-run.


  1. I love this idea!! What a great way to show the child how special they are to you that your praying over each part of them!

    How could you forget his bootay???? ha ha ha.

  2. This is such a great idea, Danielle! He does have beautiful sparkly eyes! His striking eyes pop right out at you! This is a great way to bless our kids. I think I'll make some too!

  3. That is beautifully amazing!!! I have always prayed over my children and you know what? Now at 11 and 13 they pray over me. Whenever, wherever we are if I say I have a headache etc..they start praying. It's like a reflection. The book idea is an awesome one too!
