
Friday, October 19, 2012

reading rulers (a TOS review)




The Nutshell

  • Reading Rulers are a product of the award winning Crossbow Education, designed to help alleviate eye stress for those who struggle with reading.  Read this article for more information about colored overlays helping to alleviate visual strain. 
  • Crossbow offers other tools like:  sand timers, jr learning products and more aimed at helping children with visual processing issues.
  • Reading Rulers can be purchased for $9.45 for a 5 pack or $16.95 for a ten pack.
  • There are two styles:  plain window or eye level.  They are made from a combination of opaque and see through flexible plastic and come in a slew of colors.  I prefer the eye level style because you have the option of reading one line at a time or short clusters of sentences.  It’s nice to have the choice!


Eye Level Reading Rulers provide trackinbg support alongside glare reduction.


The Review



Reading Rulers are SO cleverly cool!





I knew I’d want to use them with my emerging 2nd Grade reader immediately.  She struggles keeping her place and it just seemed like such a wonderful way to help her. And bound to be easier than using the mini counting stick we’d been improvising with.  So when I opened the package, I picked purple and popped one in as a bookmark until our next reading session.  I was eager to try it out with her. 



I was NOT disappointed!



We used both sides of the Eye Level Reading Ruler and quickly found that she did better with the smaller, one line at a time side. 



The rulers are nice and wide, which makes it easy to hold and move along with your reading.  Even though they’re made from plastic we didn’t have issues with it sliding off the pages.  I felt that the rulers have really helped her reading become more fluent and they’ve eliminated some of that lost-my-place frustration.  She likes using the rulers so much that I’ve caught her using them for independent reading as well! 






I gave one to my 6th Grader too.  He wound up using it more as a bookmark than anything else.  But he’s a proficient reader and I didn’t expect he’d find them as useful as his sister did.



I really can’t say enough about how much I love this simple yet SO effective product!  Sometimes the simple things are the best.



I’m hopeful that Reading Rulers will come in handy with my youngest too, who is already showing signs of Dyslexia and has documented visual processing issues.  He is too young right now to use them effectively.  But seeing how they’ve benefited his sister, I am excited to have them on hand for when he’s ready!



I would highly recommend Reading Rulers to anyone who struggles with visual strain while reading!







**This is my little space to disclaim that I was given 10 Eye Level Reading Rulers to use in exchange for my honest review shared on my blog.  All opinions expressed are my honest own.  I hope that you enjoyed and found my review at least a smidge helpful.  Because my voice is just one, I highly encourage you to read what my fellow TOS Crew friends thought about this product.**


  1. Wow I wish I knew of these when my boys were younger. Both boys have a condition called Arlene Syndrome that when they read on white paper the letters seem to move for them. Made reading difficult. We found colored glasses helped them when one of the boys wore them for a Halloween costume. LOL after that reading was so much easier. Getting the teacher to let them use the glasses in school was another issue. I am going to look into getting Samantha one of these.

  2. Wow I wish I knew of these when my boys were younger. Both boys have a condition called Arlene Syndrome that when they read on white paper the letters seem to move for them. Made reading difficult. We found colored glasses helped them when one of the boys wore them for a Halloween costume. LOL after that reading was so much easier. Getting the teacher to let them use the glasses in school was another issue. I am going to look into getting Samantha one of these.
