
Friday, September 7, 2012

speekee (a TOS review)




Oh let me count the ways that we  Speekee!






Who knew learning Spanish could be SO fun?!






And this is from a mom who has been a bit of a foreign language snob. 



I was convinced it was Swahili or bust for my kids.



Then we met Speekee.









I will confess that as we watched our very first Speekee episode there may or may not have been a little bit of joking by some unnamed adults (Uncle Byron) that the puppet looks like a Gremlin.  Which may or may not have caused more fits of uncontrollable laughter than Speekee listening that first time around.



But it didn’t take long for the catchy tunes to suck the giggles out and replace them with Spanish melodies instead!



Even though Speekee is geared towards younger kiddos (toddler – elementary) if you promise not to tell any one I’ll let you in on a secret.  Even my 6th Grader can be caught humming Donde Vamos or No Lo Se.   He was also inspired to share his favorite colors in Spanish for a journal project this week too!  Of course he wouldn’t let me take a picture to offer as evidence. 



But my little guy had no qualms about having his picture taken while he was absorbed in a back to back episode.





He calls it Spinkee and is in love with the Lupi and Dino segment.  Trevor has a significant speech delay and often has trouble annunciating properly.  But you should hear how adorably perfect he can say, “Soy Luuuuupiiiii”!  Super cute.  His passion for Speekee definitely infuses mine!



You can try two weeks of Speekee for free.  After that a monthly subscription is just $7.50 a month or $60 for a whole year of access to the online streaming videos



Each video has a specific theme.  I love that each episode follows the same format which allows the kids to be fully engaged because they know what’s coming next.  The videos are very musical and colorful.  Everything is in Spanish but there are English subtitles too!  Speekee is the main character with teacher Jim as her sidekick.  Plus, there are other puppet friends and super adorable kids in each episode.  If I were to guess, I’d say the kid actors ages are between 3-12ish?  I can’t get enough of the little blond guy that’s for sure! 



I love the FastTrack which provides me with weekly lesson plans right in my inbox.  A special link takes me to that week’s videos plus additional tools like worksheets and mini clips. 



You can purchase Speekee as dvds; however, because these are produced overseas you need to make sure your dvd player is PAL format compatible.  



It’s rare that I’m super excited about a product but just in case you missed it…



we Speekee!






*This is my little space to disclaim that I was given a subscription to Speekee in exchange for my honest review shared on my blog.  All opinions expressed are my honest own.  I hope that you enjoyed and found my review at least a smidge helpful.  Because my voice is just one, I highly encourage you to read what my fellow TOS Crew friends thought about this product.**

1 comment:

  1. Hola Danielle, This is Jim from Speekee checking in to say GRACIAS for your review. Much appreciated!
