
Thursday, September 27, 2012

read aloud thoughts n’ such

I had NO clue what in the world a “read aloud” was until last year.

Oh…we’ve read books out loud with our kids from the beginning.  I just didn’t know there was a fancy shmancy name for it! 

I also didn’t know there are different theories on what makes a good read aloud or not.  Some say only short stories with lots of pictures.  Some enjoy longer more wordy tales.  Still others say it much correspond with your studies.  And so on.

True to our eclectic selves…we’ve tried and enjoyed all sorts! 

I tend to cheat when it comes to choosing read alouds.  I either pilfer ideas off Pinterest or (even better) I just grab books that are displayed on the library shelves.  The great thing about displayed books are that they’re usually targeted on a monthly theme.  Another trick I’ve learned is to look through catalogs suggested reading lists for each grade and then cross reference what my library has available.  I looooove that I can create different lists with my library’s online system!  I’m not sure if all libraries are so tech friendly now or not.  But I’m lovin’ that ours is!  I have a list for him, a list for her, a list for me and a list for our history.  It’s GREAT!


I happened to stumble on a wonderful read aloud friendly book at the library this week…

While I’m not overly organized with my choices, I am trying to focus on all things patriotic right now.  What with an upcoming election and all.  And I just can’t say enough wonderful things about this book!  The heroes they chose are all wonderful (we read about Cal Ripken Jr. today).  Plus, if you want to get really in depth, each person has an additional  Dive In! section which gives ideas for further study.  SUCH a great book!  I definitely give it two read aloud thumbs up!

I also have a pinboard just for Read Alouds, just in case you’re looking to pilfer ideas too.  In love

Happy Homeschooling!


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