
Thursday, August 16, 2012

simple no frills reward chart (and it’s printable too!)






Amy over at Are We There Yet? totally inspired me with all her back to school boot camp business.  I think it’s just the best idea ever…because I have a mad mommy blogger crush on her.  In love 



Also, because I need a little boot camp in my life.  Oh Lordy, do I!



So I finally sat down and hashed out a reward chart I’ve wanted to create for aaaaages. 



1-reward chart



As you can see, it’s nothing fancy.



My goal is to help motivate them with their school work, house help and character too!  All while keeping it easy peasy for me.



Each colored section represents a different “prize” they can work towards.  Our prizes include a Mystery Prize, play date, free day, candy bar, movie and who doesn’t love a little cash?!   Because I need things to be simple simple simple…there are only a few rules and ways to earn a square.



The rules…


  • Only Mom or Dad do the coloring in of the squares
  • BUT they get to choose which square to color. 
  • The squares are colored in during our morning meeting time.  They are NOT allowed to ask at different times!  My kids are very very clever.  They’ve learned the art of asking mommy when I’m zonked or distracted.  Which means I’m more likely to say yes to almost anything.  Hence, setting the boundary of morning meeting only.  However, I myself am not bound to that rule and may surprise them by giving an extra square here or there.


They can earn squares by…


  • Doing all their school work neatly and without griping

  • Getting caught in an act of kindness

  • Completing chores without fussing

  • Reading a whole book with a book report (may be verbal or written)



Now for the follow through!  That’s always the hardest part.  But as far as the actually creating the thing…check that off my list.  Whoop whoop!



Just in case it sounds like something you could use…I PDF-ed it and made it downloadable!


(click image to download)


**if you don’t have a 4shared account and would like the chart please email me and I’ll send it right over**



Happy back to school boot camping!





  1. Great idea! I'm going to try it out with Hannah, thank you x

  2. I like this idea better than the current thingie we have.
    I didn't know that you had to have a 4shared account to download things now. Bummer....

    1. Ohhh...that's a bummer. I didn't know that either. I can email you the Word doc instead. And I'll try to figure out a way to share PDFs that is easier too!

