
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist




I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist cover



This summer has been filled with various camps for the kiddos.  One of my favorites was swim camp at the beach.  While the boys were off doing basketball camp and summer school, my daughter and I were off to the shore.  A mommy daughter date!  It was so peaceful and lovely.   I would spread a towel, wave to her in the water and flip open I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist ($16.00 from Apologia)



I’m sure I must have looked like a nut job to the sun bathers.  This book struck such a deep chord in my heart that it made the sappy squeeze right up from my core and flow down my cheeks.  Right there in front of the all the fishies of the deep blue sea…I sniffled and snotted my way through the pages.



One of my deepest longings in parenting (homeschooling aside) is that my children understand WHY they believe what they do.  That they can articulately express their beliefs.  An area where I’ve always felt terribly inadequate.



Reading the wonderfully articulate words in the pages of this book…






it made me sappy and happy.  SO happy that my children have tools like this available for them!  SO thankful for men (and women) who know how to think logically and give us the tools to do the same.  Read a sample chapter.





Apologia also offers a wonderful I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist workbook ($33) that will deeply enhance the journey with the book. 





The workbook is beautifully bound and easy to use.  I love the college syllabus feel.  I always enjoy things that make me feel smart(er).  Each chapter begins with a detailed lesson plan and then is divided into a four stage process.



The Lesson Plan guided me through which pages to read, what key topics would be uncovered and walked along the “Twelve Points that Prove Christianity is True” road map.



Next comes the…





We review the textbook reading and mull over a few questions designed to get the learner’s mental juices flowing.


Example:  Do you think a Christian can believe in macroevolution?  Why or why not?


I told you it made me feel like a smarty pants.  Go ahead, try saying “macroevolution” out loud.  You feel smarter, don’t ya!?




This is where the learner dives deeper into the specific topics discussed in the text reading.  You’ll find additional reading materials and questions that challenge you to really think about the material.




Aha!  This is where you’ll be challenged to “do the digging” and not just take the teacher’s word for it.  There are guided research assignments or other interactive projects to choose from for further investigation.  




A summary of everything covered in that chapter and practical ways to apply it to the student’s life.  You’ll find lots of encouragement to talk about what you’re learning.  Talking with family and friends is a great way to explore what you believe and why.  Because my kiddos are young-ish, the discussions were typically more between the Hubs and I.  You’d be surprised at how romantic apologetics can be!  In love 



If you really want to have a full, rich experience with the textbook, I personally believe you need to add the companion workbook. 



The book and companion study are geared towards high schoolers and young adults but really, I think it would make a wonderful adult small group study too!  My children are all too young to fully appreciate the I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist set – but their daddy and I have thoroughly enjoyed digging into this wonderful resource.  In fact, I think this set is a must have in the library of any family of faith!






*This is my little space to disclaim that I was given copies of I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist book and companion study in exchange for my honest review shared on my blog.  All opinions expressed are my honest own.  I hope that you enjoyed and found my review at least a smidge helpful.  Because my voice is just one, I highly encourage you to read what my fellow TOS Crew friends thought about this product.**

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