
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Golden Prairie Press



Golden Prairie Press

History at its Best!



We have a house full of history lovers.  Because doesn’t every family?



If you do too –  Uncover Exciting History might be a great book for your family too.


Uncover Exciting History cover


The NutShell

  • Uncover Exciting History can be purchased as a flip through the pages book ($18.95), an ebook ($14.95) or an audio book ($20). ALL are on 20% off right now! 
  • The author (Amy Puetz) is not only a passionate historian, passionate about keeping history boredom free and a believer…she’s also a homeschool grad!  Something I thought was really cool to share with my kiddos. 
  • This book is great for history lovers, homeschoolers of all ages, those working on historical unit studies and  really anyone studying history or looking to deepen their knowledge of historical events.
  • Chapters are just the right size – little nuggets of history.
  • Each chapter ends with a Digging Deeper section where you’ll find comprehension questions and ideas for further study.
  • Christian worldview.
  • Topics covered include Columbus, The Great Depression, The Constitution, The Oregon Trail and many more.  Four bonus chapters are included too!  View the complete table of contents here.
  • Visit the Store at Amy Puetz to see the variety of other books and resources available.



The Review



Being a limited budget family…I try to utilize my library for a lot of our reading needs.



Which is great except…



when they don’t have what I’m looking for.  Also…while there is a plethora of secular material out there that is rich and wonderful…sometimes I want my children to read material that shares our family’s worldview – which flows deeper than morality alone.  In fact, I have found myself drawn to books written from a Christian perspective more and more often.



Especially with Toby.  Who loves to discuss what he’s reading and learning through out the day.  I love the way it excites and inspires him when he reads about other people of faith. 



Uncover Exciting History gave us many of those moments!



I received an ebook copy.  I’m super tempted to just get a Kindle already.  But since we’re iPad only for now…I uploaded it to my DropBox account for easy reading.




(caught navigating to Uncover Exciting History without being told)



My kids have mandatory reading (which translates to mommy break) time every afternoon.  I had thought about using Uncover Exciting History as a read aloud (and it would be great for that purpose!) but in the end decided Toby would enjoy it more on his own.



It was the right move!



We have this little family tradition of asking trivia questions around the dinner table.  The kids love it.  Especially when they can stump Daddy!  Um…another reason Toby is a big fan of UEH is because it gave him stump Daddy tidbits!  He loves history and competition, that one. 



Of course, I’ll keep using my local library.  But.  I’m more convinced than ever that there are times to spend money on books that wholly fit our family. If you’re finding yourself drawn to books written from a Christian perspective too – I highly recommend exploring Amy Puetz’s books and store. 






*This is my little space to disclaim that I was given Uncover Exciting History as an ebook in exchange for my honest review shared on my blog.  All opinions expressed are my honest own.  I hope that you enjoyed and found my review at least a smidge helpful.  Because my voice is just one, I highly encourage you to read what my fellow TOS Crew friends thought about this product.**

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