
Monday, July 23, 2012

no-nonsense algebra (a TOS review)




I’m sitting here thinking – he’s heading into 6th Grade this year






It’s time to start planning for things like…Algebra!



Double yikes!



When I informed him that our School Lite (as I like to call our summer studies) would include a sampling of higher level math.  Ahem…Algebra!



He was less than enthused.




And really can I blame him?  Because isn’t Algebra like the big scary monster hiding in the math closet?



I know it was for me when I was younger.  And kinda still is.



As his math has become more and more advanced I have felt less and less confident.  Math is not my thang!  Fortunately, my hubby is a numbers guy.  They have private (dining room) tutoring sessions a couple nights a week.



Which is great…but I’ve really been hoping to find something that would work for those times when daddy (who works full time PLUS pastors a small church plant) isn’t available.



Which is why I was super interested to try Math Esssential’s No Nonsense Algebra ($27.95).  The first thing I was excited about was the video instruction!  When you purchase the No Nonsense book you get complimentary online lectures – forever!  Or at least until it clicks and you don’t need them anymore. There is no expiration date on the online access.  I love that! 



Random side note.  The teacher’s voice reminds me so much of one of my favorite college professors!



I like that the book isn’t intimidatingly huge.  The lessons look manageable and are designed for just 20 minute sessions - which helps to set the math mood (so to speak).  Being a lover of mastery and reps…I was happy to see that each day’s work included reviews of topics already covered.  I haven’t done it yet…but I would recommend having the binding removed at Staples.  It’s inexpensive and lets you keep the answer key out of temptation’s way.



  Each lesson (there are 10 chapters but many more lessons) starts with an online video where the student is encouraged to follow along.  Since the speakers don’t work on our PC and he needs to watch it on the TV, I set my going into 6th Grader up with a mini-white board. 




This is a picture of him actually showing me (of his own volition!) what he’d learned in that day’s lesson!



We made it through a good handful of lessons and I have to say…I’m really impressed! I really really like this curriculum.  I don’t think we’re quite ready to dive fully into Algebra but…



this is how he felt by time we done with our review!




I’d say this curriculum is a keeper and definitely worth exploring if you’re moving into the Algebra phase of Mathematics!



Actually, Math Essentials believes in their product so much that they offer an…




Use Rick Fisher's Mastering Essential Math Skills for 20 minutes a day as directed. If you don't see what you feel are dramatically improved math test scores, send us a note saying so. You'll receive a prompt, complete refund - no questions asked!




Can’t beat that!






**This is my little space to disclaim that I was given No Non-Sense Algebra in exchange for my honest review shared on my blog.  All opinions expressed are my honest own.  I hope that you enjoyed and found my review at least a smidge helpful.  Because my voice is just one, I highly encourage you to visit this link and read what my fellow TOS Crew friends thought about this product.**

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