
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

his 5th grade workboxes (june 2012)



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Because I use plastic file totes (rather than more traditional workboxes) I have a mini pocket chart where his schedule lives.  He’s a bird lover so I used free birdies for him.  I opted for vintage birdies for me.  In love


Each morning he can look and see what’s on the docket for that day.



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He’s on lesson 46 in his Saxon 6/5 Math.  We won’t finish this book but it will carry over to his studies next year.


I have him write in a student notebook rather than in the text book.  Once he completes his Saxon lesson he’ll typically head to the computer where he’ll do his BigIQkids daily drill.  I’m reviewing IXL though…so I’m having him work for 15 minutes on IXL until the review is over.


Corrections and any extra instruction needed are handled by Dad when he’s home from work.


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ACE has been a good Language Arts fit for us this year.  He has just a PACE and a half to go in English and took his last Spelling final this morning!


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We’re also using ACE for our History & Geography


He’s working on his last final right now!



Two subjects done for the year!  Hooray!


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A peek inside his Social Studies PACE just in case you’re curious.  I did learn to make him highlight his answers in the text to ensure he was reading and not just guessing!



Speaking of Reading



The Accused (Theodore Boone Series #3)


The most recent Theodore Boone just came in for him!  I picked it up on Saturday and he’s almost devoured it already!



We’re also using Reading Street daily for review purposes.



Another daily reading requirement is to read aloud with his sister for 15 minutes.  I keep a stash of library books in a basket for them to chose from.  My goal is multi-layered.  To give him practice reading aloud.  To give his sister some extra book time.  To build their siblings bonds.  And to give me 15 minutes to get other stuff done!



Typing is a daily drills online with Peter’s Online Typing Course.  No bells and whistles but it’s free!



Today will be a PE day because he has baseball tonight.  We joined a different league this year and he’s done great.  He’s fitting in with the boys and girl.  Haha!  I love that he has a girl on his team!  Last year’s baseball season was just so dang hard on his heart.  I have a whole post stewing in my core about it that I will someday write.  The coach was a big dud. Win-at-all-costs kinda guy.  With a passion for kids whose parents are…oh…I don’t know…coaches of high school teams and the sort.  Nepotism in all it’s glory.  His favorite line was, “play with heart!”  To which I used to respond to my hubby, “hard to do when it’s been ripped outta your chest and stomped into smithereens”.  The man has zilcho integrity and quite honestly…tops my list of least favorite human beings.  Evah.  It tore me up watching the light go out of Toby’s baseball loving heart.  Even so, it was not an easy decision to switch leagues.  We’d been in the other for several seasons.  Toby had many friends.  It just wasn’t easy.  But it was the right decision.  And we’re being rewarded by watching the spark return.  He ended last year never wanting to play baseball again.  And listen…his team this year stinks!  Seriously.  They’re the worst in the league.  The Bad News Bears on steroids.  But he loves baseball again!  And that’s what’s important.  Oh and he’s been asked to play on the AllStar team in the new league.  Ugh.  I swore we wouldn’t do that again.  But.  Well.  He’s 11.  And it just means so much to him.  Also, look at that smoochy whoochy face!  How can I possibly say no?!



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  1. I am so glad he is enjoying his game again! I can't wait to read that post that is brewing in your own heart. Some adults just shouldn't bring their OWN desires and dreams onto the little league field. :(

    1. Because Toby is a solid athlete, we've had quite a ride in the world of "youth sports". It's heartbreaking for the kids like Toby who get the shaft due to politics. And disturbing that adults are allowed to get away with some of the behavior we've witnessed.

      I will write that post. Someday.


  2. Oh, thanks for the typing link. I think Jake will like this better than Dance Mat (which he thinks is for little kids and finds the sounds annoying).

    Some of the other Moms and I were talking about another softball coach (girls 10 and under) the other day. He's so rough and LOUD on his team! In fact, it turns out that there have been complaints put into our rec department, but she can't do much because he's a coach for ANOTHER rec department. I just feel for those girls though! His put-downs are unnecessary.

    1. Toby really likes that typing program. He found it on his own too! I was quite impressed. :)

      Youth Sports can be SO toxic. Our town actually has a rep for being among the worst. Which is embarrassing and sad.

