
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

action alert (a TOS review)



I have to be totally transparent.  Because that’s a key part of my role with the TOS crew.  Also, that’s just who I am anyway.



Which is why I must confess that I totally did not want to review Action Alert



Why?  You wonder…



Because we have used filters in the past and they have been nothing but trouble with a capital H-E-A-D-A-C-H-E! 



First of all…there’s the install!  My stars but do I LOATHE installing anything on our computer!  Seems like every time I do, something goes wonky.  Plus, we’d have absolutely harmless websites blocked and totally forget our passcode.  Among other things that just left us very hesitant to try any sort of filtering system ever again.



But then, as of Monday, we do have a tweenager in the house, along with two other youngsters to protect.  Also, Trevy (the littlest!) has a knack for finding the creepiest vilest Barney videos on YouTube. 






So maybe…just maybe…it could be a good thing?



After all Action Alert has been nationally recognized. 








I’m always saying if you really believe in your product prove it with your pocketbook.



Action Alert does by offering a FREE version as well as their $29.99 Maximum Protection program.



I finally swallowed my un-savvy fears and clicked install. 



And you know what…it worked!  Easy Peasy!



Action Alert is not just easy to install…it’s also…










Any guesses who got email tattled notified on first?



Your family on 'FAMILY-PC' typed "bloody" on 3/20/2012 at 5:25AM



Yeah, that would be me!  Oops! 



That made me laugh.  And I like laughing…so Action Alert gets half a thumb up for the laughing bit. 






the rest of my thumbs are ready to raise the rest of the way up too.  I’ve had no frustrating blockages so far.  My password is safe n’ sound now because I learned my lesson all those years ago.  I do like knowing that I can keep my children’s very precious heart and eyes safe from things that could do them harm.  I also like the idea of being able to manage other things like the amount of time the computer is open for them to use and such.



The only real downer for us is not having an app for our Apple devices.  Our kids are technology geeks.  Even Trevy…with his significant speech delay…can say “technology”!  Which means we really need something that will encompass all the internet surfing devices we own.  So we can do away with those nasty Barney videos.



But overall…I actually kinda sorta maybe think I might like Action Alert and certainly think it’s worth other parents investigating!







***disclaimer – I was given a free download of Action Alert for the purposes of this review.  All thoughts expressed here are my own.  I received no other compensation.  Visit the TOS homeschool crew website to read what others thought of Action Alert***


  1. I love your reviews! :D I have been slowly writing up my first 3 for TOS. We've been having fun!

    1. Thanks, Mama Mountain! I enjoy doing (and reading) reviews...but they're not always comment-inducing. So I totally appreciate you leaving me some love. :)

      Can't wait to read yours when you're up and running!


  2. I am TOTALLY in agreement on how I felt originally about reviewing this product! I will say, I think it turned out to be the EASIEST review I have ever done! I installed the program, and then it did the work for me...

    Now if I could ONLY find an "install and go" program which could do all of our laundry...
