
Friday, February 3, 2012

start with the alphabet

One of the simplest alphabet-y things to do (mommy hint: other than filling a sensory bin with letters!) is creating your own alphabet book!  You can buy one of course.  But making it together will be fun!  And most special little kiddos learn best by doing!         

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But wait…I’ve got a let-you-off-the-hook secret!

It doesn’t have to be fancy! 

If you’re a crafty girl, this super cute felt book might be just the ticket for you.  And if you wanted to make a second one for me…I would totally accept.  Winking smile 

I, however, am really not all that crafty. 

So I used construction paper.  Cut to fit a plastic page protector.  The perfectionist in me had to cut off the white strip on the side of the page protector.  I then hole punched.  Used the little ring-y thingies I have around.  But you could staple yours together.  Or use a folder with the tabs.  Yarn.  Whatever.

I had felt just collecting dust in my closet.  So I sensory cuted up the cover by cutting out and hot glue-ing ABC on the front.  But seriously.  You could just use markers.  Or tissue paper.  Or anything that draws you!  It doesn’t have to look like Martha Stewart made it!  I’m sappy and think it should look like you made it!  Because then it’ll look and feel like love!


I’m using All About Reading’s program which includes alphabet worksheets.  That’s what we’ll be using to fill in Trevy’s alphabet book.  Because I like sensory things (tissue or sand paper, yarn, glitter glue) I won’t be putting our pages in page protectors but I will be adding those little reinforcing circles.  These animal alphabet printable sheets are super cute and free!  You can even ask your child’s teacher or fave therapist to print alphabet pages for your project!  I bet if you surf enough you’ll find even better choices!  Just don’t get lost in the vortex of finding the “perfect” plan, like I do! 

Go at your child’s pace.  If they don’t know any letters yet move more slowly.  If they do…maybe color several pages at a time. 

Read the book together as you add pages!


Some other easy peasy alphabet-y ideas…

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 Create a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree out of felt scraps.  Bristel, my first grader, is a wonderful helper and made the little blue monkey peeking from the leaves!  We taped ours to a magnetic board so Trevy can stick the letters around the tress.

Hang alphabet posters at your child’s eye level.  I loooove the vintage-y simple look of All About Reading’s alphabet posterI have to Trevy Proof (read: laminate) everything. 

Load ABC songs onto your iPod or Pad.

Watch ABC Youtube videos together.

One of my fave alphabet-y apps is Lakeshore Learning’s Letter of the Day.

I keep a supply of alphabet magnets in the kitchen for Trevy.  Because he is SO oral, I cannot keep them in reach.  But I have them ready when I can keep an eye on him.

One of Trevy’s fave games is "Alphabet Hunt”.  I sprinkle letters all through the house.  Give him an old Easter basket.  Sing the ABC song and then say “go”…and off he runs to find all the letters! 

Try to make a goal of spending a few minutes each day in purposeful play.  And don’t beat yourself up on days it just doesn’t happen.  Just try again tomorrow.  And keep inching merrily along… 


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