
Monday, February 27, 2012

how we’re planning to use alphabet movement cards

I reviewed All About Reading’s Pre-Reading program last week.  In case you’re in a hurry, I’ll nutshell my thoughts right now:

I image it!

So what does that have to do with movement cards, right?

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Well…Trevy being 100(andthensome)% boy…

the thought occurred to me the other day.  While he was being wiggle-licious.  That I should take some movement breaks.  Or find some printable movement cards.  Preferably something that reinforces what we’re working on. 

Which led to surfing here, there and everywhere.  Finding notta that worked for me.  I was almost convincing myself that I should just develop my own.

Enter The February Curse

Every February…just far enough into the year to think we’ve escaped…it never fails.  The Curse hits us.  And hard.  This year’s was/is Influenza B.  Bleh.  Which meant an end to pretty much everything not involving groans of pain and hot hot showers. 

Today, was the first day that I really truly felt back up to snuff.

I tend to go cleaning crazy post sicknesses.  So I set about purging piles of papers. 

And found in the midst of mostly crap…

these peeeeerfect ABC movement cards I’d already printed out!  (who knows how long ago.  I drive myself nuts doing that. Printing stuff out and then forgetting about it. Sigh.) 

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I proceeded to color the consonants red and the vowels blue.  Laminate.  Cut.  And hang the letters we’ve already learned with our AAR program around our Chicka Chicka tree.

When he starts to get squirmy, I’ll let him pick a movement card  from around the tree until we hopefully move move move those wiggles out! 

Now I (almost) can’t wait for him to wake up from his nap so we can do our ABC time!


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