
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

artsy fartsy




Art is one of those things.



I’m not a super crafty artsy fartsy kinda girl as it is.  Plus, I’m not a fan of messy.  And so I’ve flopped around trying to find a curriculum that worked for us for ages!



Until I found See The Light!  I loooove See The Light’s Art Class dvd series!  Lessons are taught by a master artist.  You don’t need gobs of materials…just a basic sketching toolbox.  Pencils.  Charcoal.  White eraser.  Things like that.  In fact, you can find a kit with everything you need at Michaels for, like, five bucks.  Each lesson includes technique and Scripture.  I just love the whole sha-bang!



Because art is one of those subjects that isn’t really easy to do solo… 



we have a handful of friends joining us.  We meet at our church because there’s more space and less mess at my place!  Also, no crazy doggie to contend with.  Seriously?  Why did we get her again?! Smile with tongue out 



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In addition to the dvds we’re making a cute little layered book of famous artists.


The littler kiddos have a more crafty less technique-y class in a different room.  A girlfriend is leading that one.  I’m leading the bigsters side. 


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Each class is about an hour long.  During that hour we work on technique, a little art history and if we have time…we’re trying to have some fun (and maybe sneaky educational) games for the end of class.


I’m using Confessions of Homeschooler’s World’s Greatest Artists Volume 1 for inspiration.  Downloaded and added to Dropbox for easy peasy reading.  Have I mentioned how much I *heart* Dropbox yet?  In love 


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I also found this great online resource with gobs of great ideas and links.  Including the Picasso quote above.  Love!  I’m going to hide the cards around the room and see if the kiddos can solve the sentence.


And of course some books from the library.


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Tomorrow we’ll be using little magazine cut outs to create a Cubism inspired work of our own to paste in our layered books.  I already made mine for the kiddos to have a sample.



When a friend and I first started talking about doing art together…I wasn’t sure I had it in me.  Often I feel like I’m just treading water as it is.  But our little art play-date thingy has been SO fun!  And it’s good for the kiddos.  We don’t have many kids in our neighborhood…so it’s way for them to spend some time with friends.  And alleviate my lackofplaydatesguilt.  Annnnd…I have it strategically booked when I have a Trevy Helper.  In love






I’m all proud of myself for how cute the layered book is turning out that I just had to share.  If it keeps getting more adorable I’ll keep sharing!




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