
Friday, January 20, 2012

my crazy life, lately



In My Life This Week


I feel like I’m running in circles lately.  Chasing my tail.  And never catching up!  Oh…and the snow today…purty as it is…DID NOT help!


snow photo


Even if it did make for super cute photo ops.


  The house is a perpetual mess.  And while the perfectionist died in me aaaaages ago, clutter and chaos don’t do a dang thang to DE-stress me.  I have maybe made dinner twice in the past month.  We’re livin’ on Pizza Pizza and Honey Nut Cheerios.  You do not want to see the laundry room.  Scary!  The kids and I are having the hardest time grooving back into a solid routine with our school work.  Trying to get coordinated for our winter Special Olympics program.  I picked up Trevy’s adaptive stroller.  It’s so cute.  I’m thrilled that insurance approved it easily!  Lord knows, he needs it.  He just doesn’t have the endurance to walk the whole zoo and at 52lbs…he’s a chunky monkey ball of energetic love!  So I am happy.  And yet, sappy too.  There are moments when it gets to me.  Being the mommy of a child with special needs.  In between the miracle moments are the valleys of exhaustion.  And that’s how I’m feeling lately.  Exhausted.  And cranky.  Oh SO cranky.  Which is why I whittle away productive hours dreaming of an exotic month long get-away…alone…for the first two weeks! Smile with tongue out 


In Our Homeschool This Week


We were doing SO good the first half of the year.  We had a rhythm and it worked.  I was even fitting in my workout several days a week.  Somewhere over the past couple months that changed and I’m not sure why exactly.  All I know is that for a couple months now, it’s like pulling teeth to get everything accomplished.

Admittedly, some of the struggle is by choice.  For instance, I choose to take the kids ice skating on Tuesday mornings.  But the pay off is worth it.  I think?!  And I’d like to say I’m okay if we occasionally have a CORE only day.  I just feel like slacking is becoming a habit that I can’t shake.  Bleh.  



What’s Working For Us


Now that I’ve griped it up…I will add that Jump In is totally working for Toby.  What a GREAT writing program.  I picked it up super cheap on The Homeschool Lounge’s curriculum forum.  And we just started it up this month.  He’s having a blast today writing (and sharing…and sharing…and sharing…) his opinions about various things. 


Questions or Thoughts I Have


My kids know how to do simple chores and yet somehow I find myself doing them all.  Until I have a “lose it” day.  I’m looking for simple easy to implement ideas!  Something that will work for all three kids and requires little to no mommy supervision.  HELP!   


Places We’re Going – People We’re Seeing


Ice Skating – my fave co-op-y thing we’ve found! The kids get to have fun and spend time chatting with other kids.  And I get to mommy bond in the warm room or while doing laps around the rink.  Actually, this was the first week I did laps and according to my pedometer we walked 1884 aerobic steps!  Yeah us!  I figured I needed to at least squeeze in a little working out somewhere.  And you’d better stretch first next week, Jen!

Jen and I also started a homeschool art class at our church this week.  It’s after regular school hours because A) I have a Trevy Helper then and B) it’s not squeezing the academics zone of my day.  It was a blast!


What I’m Cooking In love




  A Video to Share


…because when the choice is laugh or cry – I always go for the laugh!



Honest sharing is therapy for me… Smile





I’m linking up to


The Homeschool Mother's Journal

Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers



  1. I can't wait for my son to be old enough for ice skating. We're just starting to get a love of sledding, and maybe in the next few years we'll do snowshoeing, and then eventually we'll get some skates. Love the winter photos too!

  2. honest sharing is therapy... love the song.

    and the dinner. I giggled.

  3. Love and appreciate the honest sharing! I'm brand new to this homeschool thing so it's nice to know that it isn't always sunshine and roses :) Love the video!
    Happy Weekend!

  4. Jenn...first thanks for stopping by! Next...I LOVE the ice skating! And so do they. I've been so amazed at how quickly they caught on!

  5. Misty and B. Martin...thanks for embracing the honest moments! There are lots of wonderful moments...right this very one my daughter is in the school room setting up the white board to teach Trevy in the morning! lol She really has some amazing ideas. I have to keep reminding myself that learning isn't something I can wrap up in a checklist - it happens in a variety of ways. Which coincidentally is why I choose to homeschool in the first place! :)

    Enjoy your weekend ladies...


  6. The snow is pretty! I've been struggling schedule-wise, too, even more so since we got off schedule with the holidays. Maybe that's what threw you off, too? Either way, I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things soon!

  7. LOL Love Tim Hawkins.

    Sorry it's been crazy lately. Some weeks(or months, or years) are like that.

  8. Thanks for sharing that video! I loved it!

  9. Jamie...I think you're right. Of course, the holidays are always followed by the sickies too. I need to find time to regroup.

    Stefanie...I need a good Tim H laugh yesterday. And the day before. And the day be...



  10. Hang in there! Winter can be tough times for the kids (and us)! Long, gray days!

    Wow! Trevy must be a big boy! My Sam turns 7 in a couple of weeks and he's 65 pounds. (But he's boney! The only one of us! LOL)

    Looking forward to the Olympics posts!

  11. We finally got snow here and my kids have been LOVING sledding & playing in it... but in a couple weeks I'll be ready to get rid of it myself =-) Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a great week,
    Beth =-)

  12. Mama Mountain...Trevy LOOKS skinny...but he's SO heavy!

    Beth...the kids DO have fun in the white stuff. Sigh. I should pretend to like it for their sakes! :P

