
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

her 1st Grade workboxes



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  The portable file box has been working SO great for her big brother, that I decided to get her one too!  In pink, of course.  I’m now using the IKEA Trofast for Trevy’s Trays (aka workboxes)



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I bought my file totes at Walmart for just five buckaroos. 

I *heart* everything about them. 

But especially how it makes taking our school work with us (you know…to Grams’ house) SO easy!


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In her boxes…

Math is Abeka 1.  She’s learning fractions.  We’re loving our felt fractions, made for us by a crafty friend!



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Language is Abeka 1, along with Spelling and Phonics


We’re also using the Abeka for Reading.  I did move her from the middle group down to the Tigers.  I was the best thing I could have done!  She’s reading with more success.  More success equals less stress!  Hooray for less stress!


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She practices Piano daily.  My mom gives the kids lessons for now.

And spends looooots of time playing with her favorite Christmas gift!  I LOVE the iPod!  SO many ways to use it. 


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Extra work includes:  Abeka’s 1st Grade History & Health one day a week.  I have her big brother read several pages to her.  This way he’s getting a refresher course, read aloud practice and some sibling bonding.  Ice Skating…ahem…PE once a week.  She also is involved in our town’s basketball program.  She may not be a fan but she sure does look cute on the court!   We’re using Apologia’s Exploring Astronomy M,W,F.  We do this together.  She’s our trampoline peer model for Special Olympics – which I like to think of as Character Training.  Smile  And attends a Bible Club at my parent’s church (my hubby is a pastor too) once a week.



I know that sounds like gobs of stuff.  And some days it feels like it.  On those days, we just focus on Reading, Writing and Math.  The rest is cake.  Smile




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