
Saturday, November 26, 2011

never too late for a sensory turkey



We did this wonderful and fun sensory craft last night (compliments of Miss. HomeBasedTherapy) and I just had to share it.  Because it’s too cute not to!



Prep Work

  • cut large white paper feathers
  • draw and cut out large body of the turkey (feathers will be pasted on the back)
  • fill four paper lunch sacks with scraps of fun glue-on-able materials.  Each sack should have just one single color.  Examples of items to have in a sack include:  baggie of glitter; tissue paper (which earns extra OT points if you make your kiddo tear it up!); foam pieces; construction paper scraps; and so on.
  • elmer’s glue
  • crayons (should be the same colors as your lunch sacks plus brown for body of Mr. Turkey)


sensory turkey 001


Working on one feather at a time, we started by letting Trevy and (peer model/sister extraordinaire) Bristel choose and color their base color with a crayon.


sensory turkey 002


We then let them go to town with the glue onto the feather.  I must say…Miss. HBTS is WAY more tolerant than mommy is!  In love


More than once I had to resist the urge of “helping” Trevy with his glue.  But he really did okay-ish.  And I must say…I got a kick outta his sensory face every time he got glue on his fingers.  Drove him bonkers! 


sensory turkey 003


We then let them choose items from the appropriate color bag to glue onto the feathers. 


sensory turkey 004


The final product was a super adorable sensory turkey!


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Which belongs in one place only…


sensory turkey 012



gracing our wall of fame!  Which is what mommy likes to call the wall we display our artsy projects.  Smile 



I loooooved this craft so much, I’m totally going to modify and use it for Christmas too.  Can’t you just see a toddler sized paper Christmas tree  on the wall all strung with sensory lights and ornaments?








  1. They really did come out cute! Thanks, Beth. :)


  2. The sensory turkeys definitely are super adorable! Awesome project - and the Christmas tree idea is great, too! Thanks so much for linking up with Montessori Monday. I pinned your post to my Kids' Thanksgiving Activities Pinterest board at
