
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

her 1st grade workboxes


This week has been pretty laid back.



Which the kiddos love.



Um, I do too.  I’ve been totally needing a breather.  But I find that Teacher Mommy does much better when we stick to a routine.  Routines are tough though…during holidays.  (which is why I love this post!)



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We’re still squeezing in our CORE subjects.


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In Language Arts


(we use Abeka’s Letters & Sounds, Language and Spelling & Poetry 1)


she’s learning about compound words and new special sounds.  It’s been so fun watching her reading improve as she’s getting better with the special sounds.  Oh…and I was going to switch up her Spelling program but she was SO offended!  So we’re sticking with Abeka for now.  I have a Spelling Workout workbook handy just in case.  In love


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Math is Abeka’s 1st Grade too. 


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Penmanship (which is not a core subject but shhhhhh don’t tell her that!)  is Abeka’s Cursive.  I just like seeing how cute her “fancy” writing is!


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We all snuggled up on the couch and enjoyed learning about Thanksgiving.  My hubby has our internet connected with our tv which is so handy for that kinda stuff.  I could sit at my desk (also in our livingroom) and just surf through Thanksgiving Units online.


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I love that I caught her laughing over a mistake instead of crying!


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Don’t you love when you find great stuff in your own house?  I stumbled on a 5 in 1 Biscuit I Can Read book that I’m pretty sure Bibi bought for us a while ago.  I was weeding out my book bin and there it was in all it’s adorable cuteness.  Bristel is in LOVE with Biscuit!


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In fact…she read the WHOLE thing in one sitting!


Cuddled up in my second great find.  That little red gaming rocker was a FreeCycle snag!  If you haven’t connected with the FreeCycle in your area yet…I totally recommend it.  Some of our great freebie finds include:  a huge tub of legos, two ginormous bags of Barbie stuff, clothes, a cute little wicker side table and even our two AC units!  I love giving on FreeCycle too.  It feels so community-ish. 


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A little later today we’re going to work on a special project together too.  I hope I don’t scare you girls with all my Trevy Has Half a Brain talk.  I know it’s awkward not knowing what to say to someone like me.  And if we met on the playground I totally wouldn’t tell you…because it’s a major conversation killer!  But here, I have to mention it now and then.  Because…well…Trevy’s medical journey is such a huge piece of us.  And is Shaping our hearts as we move along.  We’re deeply connected with other families living the same journey.  In fact, one of those families is gearing up for another brain surgery in a few weeks.  Bristel and I are working on special book to send them.  We were able to meet them in real life a few weekends ago.  Bristel and Sophie were SO cute together!  In fact, Bristel says Sophie is her BFF.  Which of course…made Sophie’s mommy and me totally boo-hoo.   And this morning when I was starting to feel a little mommy guilt over not having a stick-to-it day yet again…the thought occurred to me…that making Sophie a special book is learning too.  Maybe even the most important kind.






Happy Thanksgiving from our home to yours!


