
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

fun 5th Grade Civics project with a pinch of Language Arts

Let me start by confessing right up front – this was not my idea.  And I’m sure you’ve probably already seen in it (or similar) around somewhere.  But if you’re like me and my Pinterest projects…they’re cute…but most of them sit on my boards collecting dust.  So today, there it was right there on the first two pages of his newest Social Studies PACE.

A fun and very do-able project! 

Hooray – says me!

Boooooooo – says he!

He’s doing it anyway.  We started by heading to our handy dandy iPad.  Ages ago I had installed the free My Congress app.

Plugged in our zip code and found our guy - David Cicilline.  We then googled him and found his email address.  The PACE suggested sending snail mail…but I’m that’s so old school.  In love 

Instead, he wrote and sent the following email:

Dear Mr. Cicilline,
My name is Toby, and I live in Rhode Island.  I'm working on a social studies project. I would like to know which President you admire the most?  I am going to write an essay on which President you choose.
Thank you for your time,
ps.  I would really like if you wrote the essay for me :)
Such a funny guy.  Smile
Now, we wait.  Once Mr. C responds with his favorite President, we’ll do some research and write an essay.  This is SO fun!   
Coincidentally, I was thinking to myself the other day that I needed to come up with a writing project for Toby.  I’ve been somewhat lenient on the essay front because last year was writing intense.  He was not a fan.   This came along at just the right time, he’s naturally interested in historical things, and I think it’s awesome!  I’m sure we’ll have some moaning and groaning (he is a 10 year old boy after all).  But someday…when he’s digging through the basement bins and comes across this project…I just know he’ll run upstairs and kiss me.  I’m doing it for the someday… 


  1. This is such an awesome idea! He will definitely thank you for it someday :). I'm your newest follower...loving your blog!

  2. Thanks, Brittany! I'm followin' ya back...and I must say aren't you two just the cutest things! ;)

