
Monday, November 14, 2011

DIY easy peasy handwriting without tears(ish)set



This project was inspired by a recent thread on one of the various forums I belong to.  Like a good homeschool mommy…I took the idea and stirred in a bit of my own flavor.  Smile


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I printed all my templates here.


I looooove when someone else does the work for me!  The only issue I ran into was the mystery of the missing “W”.  It’s an easy-ish fix if you just print an extra template sheet with the pieces needed to make W.


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I then cut the templates out and glued them onto bright colored card stock.  I just used the materials I had on hand.  But I really like how the contrast pops.


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For extra sensory input I used felt (again…something I had on hand) for my puzzle pieces.  I really want to make sandpaper pieces too.


I like to have pieces in a ziplock bag for two reasons…


1 – keep things neat


2 – it’s a great fine motor activity Smile


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I was going to be lazy and not laminate.


However, Trevy blowing slobbery raspberries right off the bat convinced me otherwise.  That’s his non-verbal-ish cue that he’s either bored or it’s too hard.  In love  



It’s for the best, I’m sure.  Because already the 1st Grader is using them too!


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The whole project took me about 2 hours from start to finish.  Only possible, of course, with the hubster’s babysitting help!  Winking smile






be sure to check out

Montessori Monday

for some other super cute Montessori-ish ideas!


  1. Great idea, I'm going to pin it and hopefully recreate my own version soon.

  2. Ditto! Great idea! Sam doesn't need this anymore, but I wish that I knew about this a year ago!

  3. I love projects like this that already have ready-made templates and don't take long to prepare! Thanks for linking up with Montessori Monday! I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:

  4. Thanks, Deb! Always makes me feel popular and clever when you feature a post. :)

