
Thursday, October 6, 2011

I hope he never outgrows them


Trevy is a little snuggle bug.



Every afternoon.  Before I lay him down for his nap.



We cuddle in the denim blue glider.



The one that Grams & Pop Pop bought when we were expecting our first.  It’s 10 years old now. 



It creaks.  And moans.  And groans.  With each back and forth motion. 












He wraps his little boy arms tight around my neck.  Lays his head on my shoulder.  Heart to heart we snuggle.  Thump.  Thump.  Thump.  He sings.  I can feel it vibrating against my chest.  Mostly in tunes I can make out.  Although the words are usually garbled.  Still, he couldn’t be cuter.



Heart to heart.



And the rocking chair creak…creak…creaking out a melody too.



I’ll catch myself smiling.  Soaking in the moment.  And thinking how wonderful these snuggle times are.  When he’s sweet and sleepy.  It’s so much easier to appreciate the miracle he is in those tender moments.  The miracles are harder to see when he’s driving me bonkers with his insatiable curiosity and out of the blue hair pulling and outlet licking and crayon on the walls drawing and raspberry blowing and dog kicking and food throwing and water splashing and potty training… 






Much easier when we’re heart to heart.  Swaying.  So peaceful.  So happy.  Content.  Loved.  And Loving. 



Sometimes, the sweetness is so intense I chide myself for ever being sad or overwhelmed.  I’ll  chide myself for a moment or two.  And then laugh.  Because I know he’ll remind me when he wakes up.



Something about that time draws out my heart thoughts.  Things that lay dormant in my soul because Life is too busy to allow room for them to surface.  But in the quiet.  They bubble up.



Not always swirling solely around him either.



During those few moments, my heart has room to flow wherever she wants. 



And as she flows, I find myself praying. 



For him, of course.  For his brother.  Who is growing and facing challenges of his own.  Becoming a little man.  Moody sometimes.  Dealing with things that are stressing him to his core.  Surprising me with his thoughtfulness at the most unexpected times.  And I’ll pray over him.  Peace.  And Wisdom.  And Courage.  For his sister.  All spice and sass.  I pray that her love will deepen as she grows.  For the path that is unfolding before her.  That I’ll learn how to be her mommy.  His mommy.  Trevy’s mommy.  I’ll think of Jonathan.  My best friend.  And soul mate.  Steady and strong.  Such a wonderful man he’s grown into over these past 11 years we’ve been together.  And I’ll pray over him Strength and Wisdom and Courage too.  My soul seeping from the corner of my eyes. 





















Heart to Heart…



I love our snuggle time. 



I know he’s growing up.  Life is marching on.  But in a way, I hope he never outgrows his naps.  So we can share a snuggle and soul fest every day.  For the rest of his life. 





  1. Wow, LOVE LOVE LOVE the way it happens almost suddenly, like magic when you hear nothing and feel everything. TRULY moments to be treasured and I hope too, even when he's not home in years to come, that HE'LL always remember his nap times with mommy. My little ones are only 2 and 1, so they still come crawling to my lap for every little thing...

  2. What a really beautiful post. I too, cherish those moments when my little ones (who aren't so little anymore!) come and sit on my lap, or want me to snuggle in bed with them. They grow up too fast...I just love reading your blog and look forward to it every week! Thank you for sharing! Oh, and by the way- thank you so much for your comments on my blog while we were in Europe. We had a fantastic, amazing time but are glad to be home now!

  3. What a beautiful post! I too love those special snuggly moments. Our kids are growing up so fast and those times are fewer and fewer now. Thank you for sharing. And thanks for your comments while we were in Europe. We had an amazing time but are glad to be home!

  4. I love this. Mine have all outgrown naps. My 14 year old has claimed our glider as her favorite seat. My granny gave it to us when I was expecting my first. :)
