
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

what’s in the box wednesday


I love love love sharing and seeing how people are workboxing.  And it doesn’t even have to be real workboxing.  I just like seeing what others with kids like mine are up to.  It gives me ideas and inspires me to be creative and saturate them with everything I’ve got!  I’m going to start rotating His Boxes and Her Boxes weekly.  Just to shave some time off my post time.  Which if I’m not careful can eat into other zones.  Working out for instance. Smile 


Or grading.  This was my work-box this morning.  Ugh…


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I try to grade each day while the kiddos rest.  As you can see…doesn’t always happen.  Yep.  I’m human too.  Winking smile  



Anyway…nuff about that. 



His Boxes



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I have learned it’s best for us to start with Math…

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and follow it up with Piano.  Piano is easier for him right now.  And gives his brain a nice break after all that blood, sweat and Saxon happening above.

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We’ll do Science together today during Trevy’s outpatient Speech Therapy.  It gives us something to do for the hour in a cramped waiting room!  I’m also reading Around the World in 80 Days with them during that time too.

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He finished his last book and has now moved on to the first installment of the Sugar Creek Gang series.  I love that our library has this set! 

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the daddy file holds any homework and corrections to be done after din-din.  The only thing inside right now is his last Saxon test.  He did good…but needs help understanding the conceptual difference between 10s and 10nths position.  Daddy is a numbers guy so he gets to help with the Math concepts.  Plus, it’s a nice way for him to be involved in the homeschooling efforts.  He is actually a homeschool graduate!  And has a heart for it with me…we’re a team in this.  And I love and appreciate him for his support!  



I wasn’t going to share her work today…

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but she was just too cute beaming over her 1st Grade writing!  Smile


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BTW if you love love love being nosy too be sure to visit (and add to the link ups!)…




And the Our School Work Today link-up





  1. I'm been seeing a lot of blogs with Sugar Creek Gang books lately! I should check out the series, huh? My 4th graders seems to be in a "book avoidance" pattern lately!

    Bristel's handwriting is wonderful! She should be VERY proud of our hard work!

  2. Toby's not the biggest fan of reading either. Totally prefers electronics. Which is reading too. He did enjoy the Narnias last year. I choose a lot of books that had movies - because the idea of getting to watch the movie after he finished the book helped to motivate him. Of course, that was back when Netflix didn't charge extra for the dvd service. Bleh. My parents have all the Sugar Creek dvds so he'll still get to do that with these too. Plus, they're not huge, thick books so it's not super overwhelming. As much as I would love to say we're all snuggled up with the classics for hours daily...the truth is I just want to promote a spirit of reading, ya know. So I'm trying to read more. And I remind Tobes...sometimes education means sucking it up and doing things you don't think you'll like anyway. lol Cause I'm also a meanie! ;)


  3. Here from the Workbox Wednesday Linkup! I have a first grader too so I love seeing other ideas! Thanks for the wonderful pics!

  4. Thanks for linking-up with Workbox Wednesday! We have to start with Math too (once we finish our family boxes anyway)! Beautiful handwriting Bristel! :)

  5. CH...thanks for visiting!

    Michelle...I *heart* your link-up! Thanks for hosting it!


  6. I also love peaking into other people's workboxes! We read the Swamp Robber last year and afterwards, the kids watched the movie and we discussed the differences between the book and the movie. (I thought I'd let you know in case you didn't know that there was a movie.)
