
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

netflixing for history–Sophie Scholl




(photo credit)


The Hubs and I snuggled up the other night to one of the best movies (possibly ever) we’ve seen in a while.  The story of Sophie Scholl is so gripping that we hardly noticed the subtitles.  Which are there because this is a German film.  Production is such a personal taste kinda thing.  But both my hubby and I thought this was extraordinarily well acted and produced. 


A powerful story of faith in the midst of crisis. 


If you’re studying WWII with your older children…I would highly recommend this movie as a piece of your curricula.


And if not…maybe it would make a good (after the kids are in bed) date night movie with your man. 


It’s currently available via Netflix instant view. 


I always recommend checking out movies at Plugged In and Christian Answers to make sure you’re comfy with the content before clicking play.







  1. Thanks! Adding this to my list for our future studies.

  2. We saw this and it was great! I too use Netflix for history, they have access to great documentaries and other movies like this that give us a whole new look at history without have to spend at ton of money!

  3. Mary...hope you find it as moving as we did!

    Lori...ME TOO!

